MY MOTHER, MY EARTH – By ElizaBeth Coira

My Mother My Earth_ElizaBeth Coira_HomeGrownSojourner

Mama why do you hurt
Mama why do you cry
Mama why do you tremble
Is it possible…have I finally sucked you dry

Mama why do you stare
With eyes blazing like the sun
Mama why do you care
Still for me, who’s nearly undone

All sense of your order
Delicate balance
Bountiful baskets
Of beautiful life

Your infinite wisdom
Love, patience, care
Disregarded too long
We must rise to the change

For worship of stories
–egos–men’s saviors
Has yielded too little

Why not let us burn
No, your cool rain still comes
Cleanses and nurtures
We are never alone

Or too far from your reach
Forgiveness and Love
All possible in
Your great blue embrace

So today I thank you — Mama
For all of my life
Without you I am nothing
But a forgotten dream