You're Better Than That_ElizaBeth Coira_HomeGrownSojourner

What drives people to hurt our home–planet
So too we hurt ourselves

What drives people to harm another
Too many guts filled with poisoned cultures

What drives people to go astray
Or simply continue to look the other way

What drives anyone to fill up on hate
Fear, aggression
Blind, rabid competition

We choose to see
We choose to believe
We choose to feed on ideas

But a Loveless diet
Yields only the waste
What about the promise
Of our human existence

It need not be
A race to the bottom
End my friends

You’re better than that

FOOD FOR THOUGHT – By ElizaBeth Coira

Food for Thought_ElizaBeth Coira_HomeGrownSojourner

A flower is lovely
At every stage
Of her glorious
Little life cycle

As she intends
Hopefully nurtured
For thriving far
Beyond mere survival

Her colors and textures
Shift with the seasons
Following light
By sun and moon too

Welcoming rain
And little bee whispers
Sending out seeds
Of Love on the breeze

Leaning and reaching
Growing toward good
High to the sky
Rooting in earth

Both needed sources
Of nourishment

What do you choose
To feed and grow